I have the honor to introduce to you, our first Uganda AIDS Commission Bulletin in this strategic period. The bulletin aims to synthesize high quality information on HIV and AIDS to ensure it is communicated appropriately to our stakeholders. It is therefore a big leap in the operationalization of the Presidential Fast-Track Initiative (PFTI) for ending AIDS as a Public.

Health threat, cutting across almost all its pillars. The Bulletin is a compilation of key activities and events by Uganda AIDS Commission staff and our stakeholders as reported through the Secretariats of their Self-Coordinating Entities. It is a platform for all our stakeholders to share their achievements in the quarter.

Vol 1

Volume 1 covers activities for the period of October to December 2022

Vol 2

Volume 2 covers activities for the period of January to March 2023

Vol 3

Volume 3 covers activities for the period of May to July 2023

Vol 4

Volume 4 covers activities for the period of November to December 2023

Vol 5

Volume 5 covers activities for the period of February 2024

Vol 6

Volume 6 covers activities for the period of Feb to April 2024

Vol 7

Volume7 covers activities for the period of April to June 2024
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Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC) was established under the Office of the President by statute of parliament in 1992 to coordinate the multi-sectoral response to the HIV and AIDS epidemic.

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Get in Touch

Uganda AIDS Commission

Plot 1-3 Salim Bay Rd, Ntinda

P.O Box 10779, Kampala, Uganda 

Phone: + 256 414 288065

