3 Every sector, by its very nature of development work and contact with people at different levels, is a vector for the transmission of HIVIAIDS in Uganda, as it is elsewhere. Those affected most by the disease include the workforce, mobile populations, and communities around and within the different development sites. It is thus imperative that each sector/vote, program and local government, reflect appropriate responses its operations and policy. Mainstreaming HIV into national development processes has been prioritized in the new program approach under the NDP III to; Sustain the efforts in the HIV response Increase domestic HIV financing as international funding dwindles – in lieu of the global donor shifts, and As leaders, it is our responsibility to ensure the health and well-being of our communities and population at larger
Accordingly, the 1st and 2nd Budget Call Circulars (BCC) on preparation of the Budget Framework Papers (BFPs) and preliminary budget estimates for FY 2023/2024 instructed all Chief Executive Officers of State-Owned Enterprises and Public Corporations, to allocate a proportion of at least 0.1% of their budget (excluding pension, gratuity and transfers) to HIV&AIDS mainstreaming interventions. The BCC further guided that each entity should plan and budget for HIV&AIDS mainstreaming activities under one single budget output code 000013 in the PBS and IFMIS to facilitate the budgeting and implementation of HIV&AIDS mainstreaming guidelines issued in February 2020.