Assessment of the Functionality of HIV Coordination Structures and Enhancing UAC Collaboration with Networks of Persons Living with HIV for Eff ective Service Delivery

This assessment of the functionality of the HIV coordination structures at national, local government level and urban authority, and on enhancing collaboration between Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC) and networks of people living with HIV (PLHIV) for effective service coordination was conducted between May and August, 2021.

TThe main purpose of this assessment was to provide a clear picture on the criteria for assessing the functionality of HIV coordination structures, provide revision areas for HIV coordination indicators, ascertain the existence of coordination mechanisms, functionality, relevance, progress, and gaps in order to derive learning points and respective recommendations for improvement

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Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC) was established under the Office of the President by statute of parliament in 1992 to coordinate the multi-sectoral response to the HIV and AIDS epidemic.

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Uganda AIDS Commission

Plot 1-3 Salim Bay Rd, Ntinda

P.O Box 10779, Kampala, Uganda 

Phone: + 256 414 288065

