
UAC Establishment

Our Background
Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC) was set up by an Act of Parliament (Cap 208) in 1992. The Commission’s mandate is to coordinate and oversee the prevention and control of HIV and AIDS activities in Uganda. The Commission does not engage in direct implementation of interventions but takes strategic leadership in effective harmonization of action by the various players, within agreed policy and programs under thePrinciples of Three Ones:

    » One National HIV/AIDS Coordinating Authority
    » One Strategic Plan
    » One Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
The Institution is composed of both the Commission (Board) and Secretariat (Management).  In 2015, Uganda AIDS Commission developed a Strategic Plan (2015/16 – 2019/20) to achieve its Vision, Mission, Goal and Objectives.


Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC) was established under the Office of the President by statute of parliament in 1992 to coordinate the multi-sectoral response to the HIV and AIDS epidemic.

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Get in Touch

Uganda AIDS Commission

Plot 1-3 Salim Bay Rd, Ntinda

P.O Box 10779, Kampala, Uganda 

Phone: + 256 414 288065

