
Our Zonal Offices

The mandate of this Directorate is to provide policy guidance at the national level to the Public Sector, Private Sector and Civil Society. At the decentralized level it provides guidance on Decentralized response and the three Zonal Coordination Units. Zonal Coordination Units The Zonal offices are clusters of districts within a region that is managed by a Zonal Coordinator. Currently the following 3 Zonal Offices are fully operational:

Ikabalet James Francis -Zonal Coordinator Karamoja from Feb, 11th 2019 to Date. (Moroto, Napak, Abim, Kotido, Kaabong, Karenga, Nabilatuk, Nakapiripirit, and Amudat).

 Providing a linkage between Uganda AIDS Commission and Local Governments including Self Coordinating Entities (SCEs) and providing Overall management and Coordination of HIV/AIDS Multi-Sectoral Response in all the Districts in Karamoja region and Implementation of the UAC strategy.

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The Zonal Team


Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC) was established under the Office of the President by statute of parliament in 1992 to coordinate the multi-sectoral response to the HIV and AIDS epidemic.

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Get in Touch

Uganda AIDS Commission

Plot 1-3 Salim Bay Rd, Ntinda

P.O Box 10779, Kampala, Uganda 

Phone: + 256 414 288065

