
Our Directorates

The Directorate of Human Resource and Administration is responsible for effectively managing human resources, administration and Record Management of employee files and other required documents for future reference. The directorate ensures that the human resource is matched to the needs of Uganda AIDS Commission through skill development and establishment of a comfortable working environment. It is headed by a director (Director Human Resource and Administration) and it is composed of 3 sections namely:
  1. Administration and Benefits
  2. Recruitment and Training
  3. Transport and Security
  4. Administration and Benefits
This department is tasked with creating, managing and updating an organization’s employee benefits program (it   involves managing health insurance, retirement accounts, paid time off and parental leave) and administration under these units, Records Management and Stores.
  1. Recruitment and Training
This section is responsible for the following:
  1. Identifying, attracting, screening, shortlisting, and interviewing, suitable candidates for jobs (either permanent or temporary) within an organization.
  2. Providing educational activities to enhance the knowledge and skills of employees
  3. Providing information and instruction on how to better perform specific tasks.
  4. Ensuring staff set of activities and outputs in alignment with the organization's goals
  5. Monitoring Staff Performance
  6. Creating a work environment or setting in which people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities.
III.       Transport and security

The Key Functions of the Directorate Include:
  1. Human Resources Management & Planning
Human resource planning is a strategic decision-making process and envisions the future planning for the organization by aligning the workforce to the organization’s goals and vision. This function bridges the gap between demand and supply of human resources, this helps to predict the succeeding HR functions like Training & Development, Performance management, Industrial Relations, Succession Planning etc.
  1. Recruitment
Recruitment refers to the process where potential applicants are searched for, and then encouraged to apply for an actual or anticipated vacancy.
Selection is the process of hiring employees among the shortlisted candidates and providing them a job in the organization.
We advertise job postings, source candidates, screen applicants, conduct preliminary interviews and coordinate hiring efforts with managers responsible for making the final selection of candidates.
  1. Compensation or reward management
Compensation or reward management is concerned with the formulation and implementation of strategies and policies, which are to reward people fairly, equitably and consistently in accordance with their value to the organizations and to help the organization to achieve its strategic goals
  1. Training & Development
Employee training is a program that helps employees learn specific knowledge or skills to improve performance in their current roles. Employee development is more expansive and focuses on employee growth and future performance, rather than an immediate job role.  Employee training and development refers to the continued efforts of a company to boost the performance of its employees
  1. Performance Management System
Per­for­mance man­age­ment is the con­tin­u­ous process of improv­ing per­for­mance by set­ting indi­vid­ual and team goals, which are aligned to the strate­gic goals of the organization. The performance management system is effective in identifying the gaps in performances that can be filled with training and skill enhancement.
  1. Career / Succession Planning
Succession planning is an initiative towards monitoring and working an existing employees’ growth path such that he can be promoted within. Companies can identify bright and promising employees inside an organization and work on dev Maintaining a Safe Environment
Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2006, employers have an obligation to provide a safe working environment for employees. One of the main functions of HR is to support workplace safety training and maintain a record on workplace injury and fatality and to manage compensation issues Workers Compensation Act 2000. eloping their growth path.
  1. Labor Law Compliance
Labor Laws or compliance defines the relationship between employee and employer. The HR management team understand these legal matters to ensure employee and the company are protected. This may include the calculation of leave, payroll legalization and tax reporting (NSSF, PAYE), health and safety e.t.c
  1. Human Resource Policy Formulation
An organization needs a mix of policies from the matured tried and tested ones as well as the newer and sensitive ones that are the need of time. Policies are the backbone of HR functions.  The Policies able to control activities like – better participation, standardized processes, procedures & implementation, proper communication, guided approach to newer challenges and environment at the work place.
The Directorate of Planning and strategic Information is mandated to coordinate and strengthen the management of planning and strategic information on the National HIV/AIDS response for evidence based decision making. It is headed by a director (Director Planning and Strategic Information) and it is composed of 4 departments namely;
  • »Planning
  • »Monitoring and Evaluation
  • »Resource Mobilization
  • »Information, Communication Technology (ICT)
Planning Department:
The Planning department coordinates the preparation of sector action plans and provides support in preparation of strategic plans and frameworks for the national response to HIV/AIDS in Uganda.  The key responsibilities of the department are to:
  • » Provide technical support in the formulation of the national HIV/AIDS Action Framework.
  • » Support national annual priority setting  and supports partners at national and decentralized levels to develop strategic and action plans for the HIV/AIDS response.
  • » Support mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS in development programmes at national and decentralized levels.
  • » Support national –level programme impact assessment studies
  • » Provide technical inputs into the  formulation and maintenance of UAC annual and periodic departmental plans and budgets.
Monitoring and Evaluation Department.

The Monitoring and Evaluation department monitors implementation of UAC strategic priorities, coordination and management of the activities in the national response, and evaluates effectiveness of various stakeholder participation. The key responsibilities of the department are to:
  • » Maintain up-to-date systems for the monitoring and evaluation of the response to HIV/AIDS
  • » Formulate periodic operational plans for monitoring the national response,
  • » Monitor the implementation of activities and attainment of targets specified in the annual Priority plans
  • » Provide technical support and guidance to stakeholders to implement the National Monitoring and Evaluation Framework of the HIV response
  • » Carry out periodic evaluation of the progress of the national response and determine necessary follow-up actions.
Resource Mobilization Department
The Resource Mobilization Department develops and implements annual, medium and long term resource planning and mobilization in HIV and AIDS Programming for the National Response. The key responsibilities of the department are to:
  • » Initiate and issue guidelines for the establishment of networks and partnerships amongst stakeholders at different levels for a harmonized response
  • » Spearhead in the designing and conducting of various HIV and AIDS Financing Strategies ( Commodity Forecasting, HIV and AIDS Resource Tracking, Financial
  • » Assist various sectors in design, development and implementation of HIV and AIDS mainstreaming into the Medium – Term  Expenditure Framework
  • » Work together with the Resource Mobilization Committee to determine appropriate mechanisms and modalities for collaboration and coordination among them
  • » Carry out resource mapping for the national response and maintain systems for coordination of funding mechanisms as well as advocating for optimal utilization of resources
  • » Monitor the utilization of resources for the HIV/AIDS National Response , if possible through a multi-sectoral working group and inform relevant stakeholders of the situation.
Information Communication Technology department
Information Communication Technology Department provides technical leadership and guidance in the development and implementation of policies, plans, strategies and programs that promote investment and usage of ICT for enhanced effectiveness and efficiency in implementation of the national response. The key responsibilities of the department are to:
  • » Development of ICT policies, regulations and guidelines for the Commission and monitoring their implementation
  • » Provide technical support and guidance on all matters of procurement, utilization and maintenance of ICT hardware and software to the UAC;
  • » Ensure confidentiality, security and reliability of the UAC’s information system.
  • » Maintains and updates the Management Information System (MIS) for the collection, analysis and dissemination of data within UAC;
  • » Coordinate and conduct capacity building programmes for staff of UAC and partner organizations ICT policy, equipment and user applications;
  • » Provide technical support in UAC’s data gathering , updating  and information dissemination processes on the epidemic and the response  at different levels.
National AIDS Documentation and Information Centre (NADIC)
The National AIDS Documentation and Information Centre falls under the ICT section. It was established by Uganda AIDS Commission in 1994 to facilitate and co-ordinate the flow of strategic HIV information across sectors and within the decentralized response as well as serve as the HIV/AIDS knowledge center for all stakeholders in Uganda. NADIC contributes to one of the key functions of UAC, that is “To Disseminate information on the AIDS epidemic and its consequences in Uganda and on the program activities for its control,”
NADIC Consist of the
  1. Physical library (hard copy information materials),
  2. Audio-visual section (Video documentaries and photographs of field activities)
  • Electronic information resources (databases, social media);
  1. UAC website;
  2. AIDS Call Centre (implementation is on hold).
The Key Functions of NADIC are to
  1. Develop NADIC Systems and infrastructure for knowledge and information management for the national response;
    1. HIV and AIDS Situation Room – Real time Data visualization platform,
    2. Gender Dashboard;
    3. Electronic mapping of HIV and AIDS service providers database;
    4. Research Repository – HIV and AIDS research on and in Uganda;
    5. Online Public Access Catalogue – list of all information materials at NADIC;
    6. M & E Database;
    7. Database of HIV and AIDS Video documentaries;
  2. Share information through UAC website;
  3. Analyze, synthesize, print and disseminate target specific HIV and AIDS information products at national and decentralized levels;
  4. Organize, mobilize and participate in public assemblies, advocacy events and information sharing fora;
This Directorate is mandated to provide policy direction on HIV/AIDS Research, programming and Advocacy.  UAC has coordinated implementation of innovative interventions that helped to bring down the high HIV prevalence and incidence that were replicated in other countries; initiated and coordinated landmark innovative HIV/AIDS research that has influenced policy and programming.

This directorate is mandated to provide Policy direction on HIV/AIDS, Research, Programming, Communication and Advocacy. It is headed by a director (Director Policy, Research and Programming) and it is composed of 3 departments i.e.

  1. Prevention Department which is headed by Head Prevention who works in hand with the Prevention Officer.
  2. Communication and Advocacy Department headed by the Head Communication and Advocacy
  3. Special Programs Department Headed by Head Special Programs

The Key Functions of the Directorate include;

  1. To coordinate and oversee the development of overarching policies and guidelines by UAC and partners for the multi-sectoral HIV and AIDS response
  2. To plan and oversee communication and advocacy strategies and programmes for UAC and the multi-sectoral HIV and AIDS response
  3. To guide multi-sectoral HIV and AIDS research activities and establish mechanisms for sharing of research results
  4. To oversee the planning and coordination of the national HIV Prevention response
  5. To oversee the implementation of regional and International cross-border HIV and AIDS programs

Strategic Objective: To strengthen partnerships and coordination mechanisms for the national HIV response

The Directorate headed by the Director Partnership, has three Departments i.e Public Sector, Civil society & Private Sector and Decentralized response. Within the Directorate, UAC has set up three Zonal Coordination offices i.e Gulu office coordinates 17 Districts; 2 Cities and 2 Municipalities in the Mid North region; Mbarara office coordinates 19 districts, 2 Cities, and 2 Municipalities in the South Western region; Kamamoja office coordinates 9 Districts and 2 Municipalities.  UAC works with the District HIV Focal Point Persons to coordinate the rest of the Districts countrywide.


UAC Partnership Mechanism - Coordination Structures

The Directorate of Partnership coordinates the Partnership Mechanism, a strategy by UAC that brings together different constituencies of Stakeholders to meaningfully participate in the national HIV and AIDS response.  The mechanism has the following structures:

  1. Partnership Forum; is the supreme organ of the Partnership Mechanism that provides an avenue for consultation, information sharing, joint planning and reviewing in line with the national HIV and AIDS response. The Partnership Forum is conducted after every two years.
  2. Committee of Technical Experts (CTE); is a high level Committee with members representing various constituencies of Stakeholders countrywide. CTE plays a Policy and technical advisory role to the UAC Board.
  3. Self- Coordinating Entities (SCEs): These are Clusters of Stakeholders in the Partnership mechanism, with similar areas of interest that come together for a coordinated contribution to the national HIV and AIDS response. SCEs facilitate enhanced participation, coordination and effectiveness in specific aspects of the national HIV/AIDS response.


 Currently there are 12 SCEs categorized as below:


Self-Coordinating Entity (SCE)

Membership /  Constituency



 Civil Society Organizations (Non-Government, not for profit)

National NGOs, International NGOs and Young People Networks. 

Uganda Network of AIDS Services of Organizations (UNASO)


 Faith Based Organizations

Inter Denominational

Inter religious Council of Uganda (IRCU)


 People Living with HIV (PLHIV)

Greater involvement of PLHIV in the response

National Forum of People Living with HIV Networks in Uganda (NAFOPHANU)


Cultural Institutions (Kingdoms and Chiefdoms)

Cultural Organizations

Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development (MOGLSD)



Journalists, Owners of Media Houses

National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)


Private Sector


 Profit Organizations  and Artistes

Federation of Uganda Employers (FUE)



Committee on HIV/ AIDS and other Parliamentary Committees (Health, Presidential Affairs, Finance etc)

Committee of  Parliament on HIV and AIDS


 Central government

85 Ministries, Departments and Agencies.

Office of the President


 AIDS Development Partners (ADPs)

Coordination, Funding & technical assistance

UN Women– Chairperson

UNAIDS - Secretariat


 Academia, Research, Sciences and Professional Associations

Professional Associations  (Research &  Health Providers) 

Uganda National Academy of Sciences (UNAS)


Decentralized Response

Decentralized response (both Local Governments and Urban authorities)

Ministry of Local Government


 Country Coordination Mechanism (CCM)

Stakeholders responsible for Global Fund Programming

CCM Secretariat


Benefits of The Partnership Mechanism

  • Improved coordination and accountability by Stakeholders in the national and subnational HIV and AIDS response
  • Increased oversight and advocacy at all levels
  • Increased resource mobilization, utilization and accountability in the HIV response
  • Alignment of key policy documents toward the HIV response
  • Sustainability and efficiency of the HIV response
  • Improved capacity for the stakeholders in the coordination and implementation of the HIV response

The mandate of this department is to Appraise the soundness and application of the accounting, functional and operational controls of the vote; Evaluate the effectiveness and contribute to the improvement of risk management processes of UAC; and Provide assurance on the efficiency and the effectiveness of the economy in the administration of the programmes and operations of the commission.


The department is headed by the Chief Internal Auditor and two Internal Auditors. The Chief Internal Auditor functionally reports to the Board through the Board Audit Committee and administratively to the Director General.


The Major Functions of the department Include:


  1. Reviewing all functions within UAC at appropriate intervals to determine whether the activities are effectively and efficiently being carried out in accordance with established objectives, policies, procedures, practices and standards.
  2. Reviewing and appraising the soundness and adequacy of internal controls.
  3. Reviewing the reliability, integrity and usefulness of financial, technical, operational and management information and the means used to identify, measure classify and report such information.
  4. Reviewing established systems to ensure compliance with policies, plans, targets, procedures, laws and regulations which could have significant impact on operations and reports.
  5. Reviewing & evaluating the adequacy of systems, which safeguards the commission’s assets and interests from losses of all kinds including waste, extravagancy and inefficient administration
  6. Appraising the economy, efficiency and effectiveness with which the resources are employed and the quality of performance in carrying out assigned responsibilities and ascertaining that resources are used to create maximum benefit to the intended recipients.
  7. Reviewing compliance with UAC guidelines for ethical business conduct and establishing if the highest personal and corporate standards are met.
  8. Ascertaining whether management complies with the provisions outlined within the Public Finance Management Act, 2015, The Treasury Accounting Instructions; and the periodic circulars issued by the Secretary to the Treasury, Accountant General from time to time.
  9. Ascertaining whether actions taken by the Management on audit findings and recommendations are satisfactorily implemented, if actions considered unsatisfactory; follow up should be made.
  10. Initiating periodic review of the Internal Audit Charter to ensure that it remains relevant to the requirements of the Commission and in line with modern governance practices
  11. Coordinating the activities of all other external review teams as far as they relate to the Commission’s controls and diligence checks.
The mandate of this Directorate is to provide policy guidance and render support services to enable the Commission fulfill its mandate of coordinating the national HIV and AIDS response in the country. 

The mandate of this Directorate is to assist the Accounting Officer in executing his duties as described under the Public Finance Management ACT (PFMA 2015). It provides financial guidance and support to the Commission to enable it fulfill its mandate of coordinating the national HIV and AIDS response in the country. It is headed by the Director Finance and Accounting (DFA) who directly reports to the Accounting Officer on financial and accounting matters. The key roles of the Finance and Accounts Directorate include:

  1. Review and forward payments to the Accounting Officer for final approval
  2. Maintain proper books of accounts and the relevant supporting documents including the safe custody of such documents
  3. Timely prepare and submit financial statements and reports to the Accountant General and Auditor General
  4. Provide timely, accurate and reliable financial information to support management decision making process
  5. Follow up audit queries and implementation of audit recommendations
  6. Monitor commitments, expenditures, appropriations, accounts receivables and revenues within the vote.
  7. Ensure compliance with financial manuals, policies, Government Financial Management Information System Operational Manuals, Instructions and circulars
  8. Safekeeping of cash and other assets
  9. Compliance with internal controls with regard to financial and accounting matters
  10. Preparation of bank reconciliations
  11. Preparation of cash flow projections
  12. Participate in the preparation of work plans and budgets
  13. Prepare quarterly warrants and submit for the Accounting Officer’s Approval
The directorate of Procurement and disposal unit is responsible for ...


Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC) was established under the Office of the President by statute of parliament in 1992 to coordinate the multi-sectoral response to the HIV and AIDS epidemic.

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Get in Touch

Uganda AIDS Commission

Plot 1-3 Salim Bay Rd, Ntinda

P.O Box 10779, Kampala, Uganda 

Phone: + 256 414 288065

